November 9–12, 2023
Booth E23
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Steve Turner is pleased to participate at ART021, Shanghai with a three-person booth featuring new paintings by Jingze Du, Brittany Miller and Robert Pokorny. While the artists have different motivations and painterly techniques, as an ensemble, there is a harmony that comes from the juxtaposition of idiosyncratic paintings that are personal and poetic, and which stand apart from popular trends.
Jingze Du (born 1995, Yantai, China, lives Dublin, Ireland) creates paintings which represent the artist’s love of American popular culture, art history and painting itself, interests that Du formed during the first thirteen years of his life in Yantai, China and the next fifteen in Dublin, Ireland. His vantage point is an interesting one, for though he only visited the United States for the first time in February, 2023, he has admired its culture from afar and has made it a subject in his work for the last five years. He paints in a range of styles and is best known for the style which will be showcased at ART021–meticulous paintings of thinned down oil in shades of black, gray and white.
Brittany Miller (born 1990, Utica, lives New York City) creates paintings that depict figures in contemplation within domestic settings. Sofas, beds, pillows, sheets and open books are often included in the patterned scenes. Miller adds complexity by painstakingly applying oil paint in straight or undulating parallel lines. In so doing, she also conveys mystery through the emptiness that lies between the lines.
Robert Pokorny (born 1969, Merced, California, lives Long Beach) creates paintings and drawings that depict the recurring stylized characters of a bearded man and a confident white-haired woman. He simplifies the composition with strong lines, striking color, repeated marks and patterns to suggest various emotional states. According to the artist, “The portraits are not meant to depict one person in particular but rather are pictures of us all. They allow me to engage with great painters of the past, to tap into my own emotions, and to relate them to the outer world. They might seem absurd or humorous, but they are always sincere.”
Steve Turner Gallery 此次参展ART021 上海,我们将在此次艺术博览会中展出三位艺术家的作品:Jingze Du、Brittany Miller 和 Robert Pokorny。这三位艺术家有着不同的创作动机和绘画技巧,但在他们的作品中却透露出一股和谐的氛围,这种和谐来自于他们独具特色、个人且充满诗意的绘画作品,这些作品摆脱了流行趋势的桎梏。
杜京泽 Jingze Du(1995年生于中国烟台,现居都柏林,爱尔兰)的绘画作品表达了他对美国流行文化、艺术史以及绘画本身的深厚热情。这些兴趣在他在烟台度过的前13年和在都柏林度过的随后15年生活中逐渐形成。虽然他直到2023年2月才首次踏足美国,但在过去五年里,他一直远距离欣赏着美国文化,并将其视为创作的主题。他运用多种绘画风格,其中以ART021展示的精湛技艺最为著名,这些作品用稀释后的油彩绘制,色调以黑、灰、和白为主。
Brittany Miller(1990年生于Utica,现居纽约市)的绘画作品描绘了人物在家庭环境中的沉思。沙发、床、枕头、床单以及展开的书籍常常出现在这些充满图案的场景中。Miller通过精心施加油彩,以直线或波浪形的平行线,赋予作品更深层次的复杂性,同时通过线条间的空白传达神秘的情感。
Robert Pokorny(1969年生于加利福尼亚州默塞德,现居长滩)的绘画和素描作品描绘了一个留着胡子的男性和一个自信的白发女性,这些角色反复出现。他简化构图,采用强烈的线条、醒目的色彩、重复的标志和图案,以传达各种情感状态。根据艺术家的说法,“这些肖像不旨在描绘特定个体,而是我们众人的画像。它们使我能够与过去伟大的画家互动,深入挖掘自己的情感,并将其与外部世界联系起来。这些作品或许看似荒谬,或许幽默,但却蕴含着深刻的情感和思考。”