Booth 19
November 2 – 4, 2018
For Artissima 2018, Steve Turner is pleased to present a solo exhibition of new drawings by Montreal-based Claire Milbrath in the Disegni section, which is being curated for the second consecutive year by Luís Silva and João Mourão, co-directors of Kunsthalle Lissabon. Milbrath’s drawings depict a character that she calls “Poor Gray”, an aimless, wealthy, melancholy gay man. In so doing, Mlbrath questions traditional concepts of masculinity by depicting Gray as vulnerable, effeminate and idle.
Claire Milbrath (born 1989, Victoria, British Columbia) earned a BA in History from Concordia University. She had two solo exhibitions at Steve Turner in 2017 and also is the founding publisher and editor-in-chief of The Editorial Magazine, a print journal on contemporary art. In 2019 she will have her third solo exhibition at Steve Turner and will present work in a two-person booth with Pablo Rasgado at Zona Maco, Mexico City.
In occasione di Artissima 2018, Steve Turner è lieto di presentare una mostra personale di nuovi disegni di Claire Milbrath, artista basata a Montreal, nella sezione Disegni, curata per il secondo anno consecutivo da Luís Silva e João Mourão, co-direttori della Kunsthalle Lissabon. I disegni di Milbrath ritraggono un personaggio che lei chiama “Poor Gray”, un uomo gay melanconico, ricco e senza un obbiettivo preciso nella vita. Così facendo, Milbrath mette in discussione i concetti tradizionali di mascolinità, raffigurando Gray come vulnerabile, effeminato e letargico.
Claire Milbrath (nata nel 1989, Victoria, British Columbia) ha conseguito una laurea in Storia presso la Concordia University. Ha tenuto due mostre personali da Steve Turner nel 2017 e inoltre è editrice fondatrice e redattrice capo di The Editorial Magazine una rivista di arte contemporanea. Nel 2019 terrà la sua terza mostra personale presso Steve Turner e presenterà lavori in uno stand per due persone con Pablo Rasgado a Zona Maco, Città del Messico.
Born 1989, Victoria, British Columbia
Lives and works in Montréal
2012 BA Concordia University, Montréal
Solo Exhibitions
2018 Disegni section curated by Luís Silva and João Mourão, Artissima, Torino, Italy (with Steve Turner) (Upcoming)
2017 Crome Yellow, Steve Turner, Los Angeles
Poor Gray: Domestic Scenes, Steve Turner, Los Angeles
Still Lives, Groovy Dog Gallery, Milwaukee
2015 Solo Exhibition, Galerie Éphémère, Montréal
Group Exhibitions
2018 Code Art Fair, Copenhagen, Denmark (with Steve Turner)
Through-Line: Drawing and Weaving by 19 Artists, Steve Turner, Los Angeles
BioPix, Steve Turner, Los Angeles
2017 Vendu-Solde, Esse, Museum of Fine Arts, Montreal
UNTITLED, Miami Beach, with Steve Turner
We Live in a Fantasy, Two-person show, NeverApart, Montreal
Domestic Tranquility, 0-0 LA, Los Angeles
Papier, Arsenal Contemporary Art, Montreal
Project Pangée, Material Art Fair, Mexico City
This Must Be The Place, Lisa Kehler Art + Projects, Winnipeg
2016 As the Morning Lengthened, Whole Parties Appeared Over The Sandhills,
AC Repair Co., Toronto
The Garden, Project Pangée, Montréal
Velvet Ropes, Charlie Roberts, Chris Rexroad, and Love Watts, New York
Body Talk, Project Gallery, Toronto
2015 Comforter, curated by Petra Collins, SFAQ, San Francisco
2014 Pussy Pat, curated by Petra Collins, New York
Kind of Wild and Sort of Free, Yves Laroche Galerie d’Art, Montréal
My Female Eye, Galerie MooiMan, Gronigen, Netherlands